Life Lately - Tay Meets World

Life Lately

10:47:00 AM

Life lately brought to you by: girl who is losing her mind:) I'm just kidding, but really, does life ever slow down?

//Life lately, my feet have been sore from all the running around with nanny kids, med school stuff, and blogging stuff; I could really use a nice pair of crocs to keep my feet blister free.

//Life lately has me lacking motivation…you probably saw my inspiration post here. Lacking motivation has me feeling like I am running full speed up a never ending hill. Poor cat.

//Life lately has me crying over this movie. 

//Life lately has got me needing more sleep…pretty sure this has been in all of my life lately posts. 

//Life lately has got me trying to talk like Kourtney Kardashian so I can annoy my boyfriend (he's not a Kardashian fan)…because well, he likes to annoy the heck outta me.

//Life lately has me happy it's father's day weekend!! 

Enjoy your weekend lovelies!!!

xoxo, Taylor


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