25 Years Young - Tay Meets World

25 Years Young

5:11:00 PM

Today I'm half of 50, a third of 75, and a quarter of a century. Not going to lie, I had a momentary mid-life crisis. I have yet to accomplish most things I want to in life such as travel across the globe, get married, and complete the items on my bucket list. I will say though that these past 25 years have taught me a great deal - I thought I would share what I know because well, we are all getting older and any tips and tricks we learn along the way should be shared.

1. Change your thoughts, change your life. Don't dwell on the negative, embrace the positive.
2. If you like to sing in the car, go all out. I once a had sing-off with someone at a stoplight. 
3. Stock up on dry shampoo like it's your day job. You're an adult now and washing your hair everyday is not a priority - your sanity is.
4. Invest in quality clothes. Classic pieces in your closet will make you feel confident and comfortable. 
5. When in doubt - it's still ok to call Mom, or your BFF - just call someone.
6. Coffee IV's are acceptable but make sure to drink some water too.
7. Happy Hours with your girlfriends keep you sane - drink those martinis girl!
8. You're now at the prime age to start using anti-aging products.
9. While spaghetti with veggie noodles and organic tomato sauce sounds good every night for dinner, learn to cook something else. 
10. Love is hard. You won't always find it when you want it, but don't give up on it just because you didn't get it right the first time (or second or third or fourth).
11. Work out regularly - our metabolisms are now a quarter of a century old, no more midnight McDonalds run
12.  Learn how to bake cookies. Men like cookies, coworkers like cookies, and friends need cookies when life sucks. 
13. Eat your vegetables.
14. Target will most likely be your saving grace - make sure to live close to one.
15. Don't forget birthdays. You're now too old for "forgetting birthdays" to be cute. Write them all down somewhere.
16. Take interest in something your significant other likes. Let's face it, we all have hobbies and although we don't have to like ALL the hobbies are significant other likes, it's good to have something to do together.
17. All you need in your toolbox is a screwdriver, it doubles as a hammer. 
18. You can never have too many umbrellas. I keep one at work, in my car, in my apartment, and all travel bags. No one likes wet dog hair. 
19. When you're sick, you'll have to take care of yourself (this is where living close to Target comes in handy). Always have some ibuprofen, NyQuil, and kleenex on hand.
20. Send your grandparents emails or letters. Let's face it, most grandpas and grandmas are not hip on the new technology - make sure to stay in touch with them. 
21. Always double check to make sure the curling iron is off (my dad would be proud). 
22. When you can save money - do it. Having a savings gets you through life's speed bumps.
23. Challenge yourself and keep trying new things. I went in a hot air balloon this year - how freaking cool is that?!
24. Take trips with your girlfriends and have fun! They will be your backbone in this game of life.
25. Never, EVER, give up on your dreams, and never stop dreaming. 

My 24th year of life was very rough. I learned a lot, lost a lot, but gained even more. Sure, life sucks, but there is so much good that can come from it too. I'm excited for my 25th year in life - I'm sure it will be full of surprises, road bumps, bruises, laughs, tears, and lots of veggies. 

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