Best Ever M&M Cookie Recipe - Tay Meets World

Best Ever M&M Cookie Recipe

9:08:00 AM

I must preface this post with stating, I am a terrible baker. I don't love to bake, I really don't love cooking either but I can definitely cook better than bake. I would much rather sauté some stir fry than bake two dozen cupcakes. Okay, I digress. 
The one and only item I can bake, are cookies. This took years to master as I tried various recipes that never seemed to live up to my expectations, or others' expectations. I couldn't even nicely bake those sugar cookies that you get in the cardboard box at the grocery store! So, you can imagine that perfecting this recipe is truly a feat. 
You can use any type of "chip" in these cookies - I prefer chocolate chips or M&M's. Of course, I had to use the festive red and pink M&M's - fitting since Valentine's Day is around the corner. You can make these for your teachers, coworkers, bff's, lover, etc.❤️ Recipe card is below for easy print or pin. 

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