Gucci Dress Dupe - Tay Meets World

Gucci Dress Dupe

7:54:00 AM

It's no secret I have expensive taste. However, I'm also very budget-conscious when it comes to buying things on sale. I cannot fathom, for the life of me, spending $100 or more on a shirt. Most of my clothes I get for $50-70 or less, with the high range of that being pants or athleisure wear. Just as well, a lot of my "nicer, more expensive" pieces were gifted to me for birthdays or Christmas. With that being said, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a gal who had on this dress, it's very Gucci-esque in my opinion. Even better? It's $30 and from Amazon! Yep, go ahead and prime it to your door now.

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