25 Reasons You Know You're From South Dakota - Tay Meets World

25 Reasons You Know You're From South Dakota

5:00:00 AM

I love the state I live in. Most people have probably never heard of South Dakota, never visited, or have never cared. I can see how South Dakota can be easily overlooked as it is smack dab in the middle of the country. The sad reality is, South Dakota has so much to offer and there are people who legitimately believe we live in tepees, ride dog sleds, and don't have running water.

If you're from SoDak, or not from SoDak…these 25 reasons will definitely help give you more perspective to what we are really like here in this beautiful state.

1 // You have lived next to a cornfield and/or attended school surrounded by cornfields.
2 // Sweet corn is a main food group.
3 // The same goes for chislic. (If you have never heard of chislic I suggest you google it.)
4 // You are either a hard core Packers or Vikings fan…or, quite possibly a Cowboys fan. Any other football team fan is probably not from around these parts.
5 // Camo weddings are very popular. Most have attended or have had one themselves. The best part is the camo coozies you go home with.
6 // Deer are as common as people. Not only are they displayed "stuffed" in our homes but they live in our towns and cities. They are basically common household pets.
7 // You are excited when it's 0 degrees with no windchill in the winter. That is considered a "nice" winter's day.
8 // The outdoor game bean bags is basically the same as a fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao. #playtillthedeath
9 // You have been driving since you were in diapers. South Dakota literally has the best drivers in the world…because we are so experienced.
10 // The minority in the state is the Democratic party. #nohardfeelings
11 // You know for a fact South Dakota is better than Mars because no one from South Dakota has actually been to Mars.  (see this for further explanation)
12 // We are all experts at DIY projects. If there is a DIY to be done, we do it.
13 // One thing that was instilled in us growing up…"hunt hard." Or, for the ladies, marry someone who hunts hard.
14 // The only traffic jams that ever occur take place when a tractor is driving on the highway.
15 // We don't import expensive fish…we catch them ourselves.
16 // Everyone knows everyone, or is related to someone who knows everyone who is related to someone who knows you.
17 // You believe country concerts are the next best thing to sliced bread. #becauasetheyare
18 // The most important animals in the state are coyotes or jackrabbits…choose your side.
19 //  Mount Rushmore is the only thing out-of-staters know about South Dakota. They like to call it, "those faces on that rock."
20 // You had to start working at the age of 13…from there your life basically ended.
21 // The river is basically the same thing as the ocean. And sandbars are basically the same thing as your own private island.
22 // You never understood why the Sioux Falls zoo has a "petting farm" that is home to animals that live in your backyard. No, I don't want to go to the zoo to see a cow…there are 100 that live next door.
23 // Getting your hunting and fishing license is more important than getting your driver's license.
24 // The Black Hills is actually like visiting another state because it's a huge change in scenery. Most family vacations are to the Black Hills.
25 // You know you won't find a better bunch of corn pickin', deer shootin', camo wearin', outdoor livin' people than right here in South Dakota.

Note: There are a lot of things that I have obviously missed. Things such as east river vs. west river, Sturgis, caves, badlands, etc. When writing this, these 25 reasons are what came to mind. If you have more to add, comment below!!

Happy Friday and cheers to the good ole' state of South Dakota!

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