He Asked, I Said Yes! - Tay Meets World

He Asked, I Said Yes!

11:48:00 AM

I can finally say that Adam and I are engaged! From high school sweethearts to long distance lovers to engaged, it has been quite the journey (and a fun one at that). I remember how young we were when we first started "dating," and how difficult things were when we were long distance for four years. I am still on cloud 9, soaking every single detail in, and admiring my ring every minute of the day.

How he asked was perfect (this, I will share later) and how the day panned out was everything I could have imagined and hoped for. All I really remember was crying hysterically, so excited and overwhelmed…thankfully, he recorded the whole thing so we can watch the cheesiness over and over.

I have already been asked about wedding dates, where it will be, and who will be there, all I can say is I have no clue!! Coming from someone who loves planning, and loves weddings, you'd think I would have my dream wedding mapped out. I am so happy with the new chapter we have entered and I think I will let it soak in awhile. Let's not be fooled however, we all know that I will start planning things soon…and sharing every detail on the blog!

Thank you to all of you who have shared kind words thus far, we are so grateful and my heart is full!

Summit participated in the special occasion too, how sweet is his bow tie?!

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