Friday Favorites - Tay Meets World

Friday Favorites

10:13:00 AM

1. Be The Light
- In light of all the recent world events/cancellations/disruptions/chaos, Rachel Hollis reminded everyone on her Morning Show to "Be The Light." It's during these times where we feel darkness and it almost consumes us. These are the times, more than ever, where we need to continue to do good int he world and shed light on all the positive things. Trust our Faith and be uplifting - just from afar. Together, we can get through anything.

2. Welcome Back Mandy Moore - New CD
-Mandy Moore's new CD launched and ya'll, her revival is everything. A few of my favorites on her CD titled "Silver Landings" are as follows: Save A Little For Yourself, Tryin' My Best Los Angeles, When I Wasn't Watching, and Forgiveness. These are definitely songs that bring me back to Hermosa Beach summers, biking along the ocean side - I'm obsessed!

3. Dave Hollis "Get Out Of Your Own Way"
- I haven't started this book yet, it released this week and my pre-order was delivered, as I'm finishing another one but I'm super excited to start this weekend. I can truly say that the Hollis duo never ceases to disappoint - I will report back in with my thoughts but if you are looking to pick up your next book, I recommend you try this one!

4. Self-Care
- With the tumultuous events happening and a "self-distancing" alert going on I think this is the perfect time for us all to invest in self-care. The large event cancellations, sports cancelled, concerts, etc., you may be thinking "what the heck am I going to do?!" Once I got wind of the news, I bought two more books, replaced my snapped booty band, and bought my favorite treat so I could post up this week and next - to take care of me! Exercising, reading, at-home spa days, online shopping (shop small especially now!), meditation, prayer, working from home, spending curated time with your children, etc., all of these things are a greta way to practice self-care during this time.

5. Favorite Exercise Bands
- I snapped my booty band last week🤦🏼‍♀️😂. I was doing side, leg-lifts, you know, to work those inner thighs girl! Well, I raised my leg and SNAP the band flew across the room. I had it for awhile and think I honestly wore it out. I replaced it with one of my favorites - the Tone It Up "Peachy" Band you can buy at your local Target!

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