Friday Favorites - Tay Meets World

Friday Favorites

6:00:00 AM

What a week! I launched a business, adopted a Koala, and made more progress towards my 2020 goals💪🏼. I'm sharing my favorites from this week below - have a great weekend friends! 

1. Trader Joe's Licorice Twists
I have a major addiction to these licorice twists. The struggle is real ya'll - they are so good. Not only am I a full on Trader Joe's fan now, I always pick up two packs of these when I go. I figured, it's all about balance...right?! If you haven't tried them, run, don't walk, to your nearest Trader Joe's and pick up a bag. You will not regret it! 

2. Colin O'Brady - The Impossible First 
Monday - Friday @ 9am CST, I watch Rachel and Dave Hollis on their daily Facebook live. They are the most inspiring, motivating, and uplifting people I have ever listened too. I'm enthralled with everything they have achieved. Their outlook on life is so positive and well, it's pretty contagious. On Tuesday they had a guest on the live - Colin O'Brady. He was told by doctors that he would never walk again after a tragic fire...and ended up being the first man to cross Antarctica solo, with no support. All of my doubts left my head as he was talking, I thought, if he can do that then I surely can do anything. Following the live, I ordered his new book 'The Impossible First.' I will let you know how I like it! 

3. London Travel Guide
I had so much fun putting together my London Travel Guide this week. Hours were spent reminiscing and flipping through photos - also organizing them because I hadn't uploaded them since my trip! Take a look and let me know your thoughts, I hope you have the opportunity to travel there someday if you haven't already been! 
4. Heart Trend ❤️
We are nearing Valentine's Day so naturally, the heart trend is popping up in store fronts and webpages alike. I love this trend - especially being in the event/wedding industry I'm around "love" all the time so dawning some hearts on my blouse is fitting 😂.

5. Adopt A Koala 🐨
- Meet Jammie Jams, my Koala in Australia. By now, we've all seen the devastation that has impacted people, homes, wildlife, forests, etc., in Australia. I feel helpless. All of these photos and videos would be posted about animals being burned and people losing their's horrific. I can't do much, so I decided to adopt a Koala from the Australian Koala Foundation

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