Friday Recap - Tay Meets World

Friday Recap

4:15:00 PM

What a week! I work for the next few days so technically, my week is just getting started. However, I had the best time on Wednesday going to the Shania Twain concert! My bestie is just that, the best, and bought us tickets to go see her. We had incredible seats and I was in awe of how amazing she sounded!

Travel Topics: New York was so much fun. I cannot express to you how much I loved it. I left feeling anxious because I hardly got to see or do much. I spent two days at the Her Conference 2018 (so good!) so my nights were spent exploring. I'm already trying to find another time to head back however!
Something New I Tried: I've tried so many new beauty products, I'm planning to bring you a product recap so you can see all the goodness! I have also really been trying to find products that are cruelty free. If you have any cruelty free brands that you love, please share below!

Favorite Food Or Meal: Corn on the cob!🌽 Corn is around 8-9 feet right now and it's this time where sweet corn stands start popping up all over the city. You guys, sweet corn is so good. I try to have it a few times a week when it's in season. 

Mood Booster: This week it's my to-do list! There are so many fun projects I'm working on and events that I am planning. My list has sort of escalated into a full notebook at this point but it's keeping me motivated! 

Listening To:  Shania Twain! If I look and sound half as good as her at the age of 52 then I will be #blessed. This has been my favorite playlist to listen to; it includes the oldies, the goodies, and the newbies. 

Watching: The Bachelorette! We are down to the final two and things are getting heated and so emotional. I cried three times during this weeks episode, three times! If you love recaps, these are my favorite.

Wish List: I never did find a travel bag that worked as a handbag too. I have quite a bit of time before I travel again to find the perfect bag. I'm craving fall now that my trips are over...thus, I'm looking to re-vamp my fall wardrobe!

Working Out: Still off that wagon, I walk the dogs every morning so that's something but I plan to start back on Monday!

Weekly Goal For Next Week: Eating clean and meal prep! I'm keeping this on my list because I can do much better than I am. I know I haven't eaten the best when I start to crave my beloved vegetables and fruits. At least those cravings last for a long while! 🤗

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