Kids Say (And Do) The Darndest Things - Tay Meets World

Kids Say (And Do) The Darndest Things

12:52:00 PM

I don't know if you ever watched the show Kids Say the Darndest Things, but it was hilarious. Bill Cosby was the host and talking kids were the entertainment. I babysit quite frequently and I have a little brother so my life is full of hilarious and funny sayings…brought to you by, the kids themselves. Sidenote: None of these quotes have been changed to make you laugh, they are just funny.

Watch this, it's HILARIOUS!

Kid #1: (Talking to me and another little girl) Hey guys, I lost all the divers in the deep end of the pool will you come help me look for them?
Kid #2: (5 yrs old) Nope, but we can certainly can sit on the side of the pool and help you look.

Kid #2: (Talking to me) You are going to buy me that Elsa costume.
Me: Oh really, says who?
Kid #2: Me. And if you don't then you are going to give me money to buy the Elsa costume.
(This costume is $130)


Kid #3: (Farts loudly) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha

Kid #4: (Picks nose and pulls out booger)
Me: NO, don't do that, that's YUCKY
Kid #4: (Looks at booger, starts crying) YUCKY!!!!!!

Me: (To kid #2 in calm voice) You don't always get what you want, you have to share.
Kid #2: I always get what I want.

Kid #5: Taylor, tell them I want to be the dog, (we were playing castle…I think), if I can't be the dog I'm going to scream.
Me: Boys, let your sister be the dog, it's not hurting anything
Kid #6: No, she can't be the dog, I'm going to kill the dog if she is.
Me: (To Kid #5) Are you sure you want to be the dog?

Me: Kid #2, Don't attack your sister
Kid #2: I'm going to get her!! (She tackles her)

Me: Kid #6, please don't let the dog out, ok? I don't want him to run off.
Kid #6: (looks at me, opens the gate, let's the dog out)
Dog runs and tackles a person…awesome

The life of a baby-sitter…to be continued. Have a kid-kind of day!!

xo, Taylor

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