Color Me Pink - Tay Meets World

Color Me Pink

12:00:00 AM

When I was in MO for the holidays, the weather was so nice! Although the temperatures have dropped here, I love this bright sweater - it's perfect for layering and can easily be worn to work or on the weekends. If you aren't prepared for the cold weather temps - see this post I wrote last week - all items are on sale!

I may be crazy - but this weekend I went and picked up a new puppy! If you've ever had the love from/of a dog then you know how hard it is to not have that. I will post more on her tomorrow but needless to say I'm back to waking up every two hours at night and trying to entertain a 9 week old pup. She is probably the sweetest little girl out there - she loves to cuddle, is perfect in the car, and only makes noise/whines when she is scared. Follow along on my snapchat until I put together a post for her - taysuehoffman.

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