Faux Leather Skirt - Tay Meets World

Faux Leather Skirt

12:00:00 AM

A few weeks age I was doing some online shopping when I came across this leather skirt. I was a little hesitate at first but I found it on the clearance rack at The Loft with an additional 60% off so I couldn't pass it up! Who would've thought that a faux leather skirt would be so comfortable? It's high-waisted enough so it's not suffocating and I paired it with a simple white sweater and cozy blanket scarf (last seen here). Once it's a little colder, it could be paired well with tights or over-the-knee boots (that would  definitely be a bit warmer:)).
I bought these boots at Target, I was surprised how perfectly they paired with this skirt! This exact pair is no longer in stock but I linked a similar pair below. 
Sweater (last season, similar here) // Leather Skirt // Blanket Scarf (old, similar here) // Rebecca Minkoff Crossbody // Booties, similar 

This weekend was finally a relaxing one! After moving and the holiday weekend, Adam and I have been on the go constantly. I got around to pulling out all the Christmas decorations, unpacking more boxes and making a dent in the laundry. Isn't it crazy how behind we can get on life? I am sure things will only get busier with the upcoming holidays but it was a nice slow down!

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