Fashion Photo Bloopers - Tay Meets World

Fashion Photo Bloopers

3:00:00 AM

It's been a long time since I have done this post, probably because I am becoming more behaved while we are taking pictures…HA! We all know that's not true. Sometimes I wonder what compels me to make faces such as the ones below, and most times I wonder why I post these. Well, we all have a goofy and quirky side, as do I. When I am getting these pictures taken sometimes I feel so silly that I just act silly…it helps me get through the awkwardness. I suppose it's good to feel and be awkward every once in awhile, we wouldn't be human if we weren't!

I am definitely getting upset at Adam here…can you see me start to say his name angrily?
More failure.
So complexed.
A bit blurry, but think of the emoji with the tongue sticking out.

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